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     Research Journal of Information Technology

2011(Vol.3, Issue:4)
Article Information:

Leveraging the Involvement of Data Subjects towards Controlling Their Own Personal Information

Abdulrahman H. Altalhi, Zailani Mohamed Sidek and Norjihan Abdul Ghani
Corresponding Author:  Abdulrahman H. Altalhi 
Submitted: 2011 November, 09
Accepted: 2011 December, 09
Published: 2011 December, 30
Privacy has become an important component in systems that handle personal information. Data subjects have a right to control their own personal information. Hippocratic Databases represent a new era of database technology that has been proposed to fulfill personal information privacy protection requirements at the database level. However, the concept of “purpose” is introduced because the owner of the information has no control over his/her own personal information. The owner, also referred to as the data subject, not only needs to control to whom his/her information should be disclosed but should also be able to access his/her own personal information regardless of the purpose. For this reason, we concluded that there are two requirements when managing personal information: The owner should be able to control his/her own personal information and should be able to access it at any time and for any purpose. This Study introduces a new architecture that fulfills the above requirements, which we refer to as the owner-controlled architecture for Hippocratic Databases. First, we highlight the importance of controlling personal information in an information flow model, and then we explain the architecture that supports the proposed model.

Key words:  Data access, Hippocratic databases, owner-controlled, personal information, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
Abdulrahman H. Altalhi, Zailani Mohamed Sidek and Norjihan Abdul Ghani, . Leveraging the Involvement of Data Subjects towards Controlling Their Own Personal Information. Research Journal of Information Technology , (4): 133-138.
ISSN (Online):  2041-3114
ISSN (Print):   2041-3106
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