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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2009(Vol.1, Issue:3)
Article Information:

Dermatoglyphics of Prostate Cancer Patients

G.S. Oladipo, M.K. Sapira, O.N. Ekeke, M. Oyakhire, E. Chinwo, B. Apiafa and I.G. Osogba
Corresponding Author:  Oladipo Gabriel Sunday 
Submitted: 2009 July, 07
Accepted: 2009 August, 02
The study was carried out to document characteristic dermatoglyphic patterns in prostate cancer which could be useful in early diagnosis of the disease. Dermatoglyphic study of 30 prostate cancer cases and 30 normal subjects were carried out in this study. It involved the digital patterns, ATD angles, DAT angles, A-B ridge and B-C ridge counts, axial triradii and digital triradii on the hands. 44.41j of the digital patterns in the prostate cancer cases were ulnar loop as against 55.33% in the normals. The percentages of whorl, arch and radial loop in prostate cancer group were 37.17%, 17.11% and 1.32%, respectively as against 30.67%, 13% and 1.07% in the normal. The mean ATD values were 44º and 41º in normal and prostate groups respectively, thus the normal group has significantly higher ATD angle. The mean DAT angle values were 58.7º and 59.8º for normal and prostate groups respectively. The mean A-B ridge counts were 33.4 in normal group and 36.9 in the prostate group. The mean B-C ridge count was 26 in normal group and 30 in prostate group. It was observed that there was significant difference between the two groups in terms of their B-C ridge counts (p<0.05) in both hands. Also the A-B ridge count showed significant difference between the groups on the left hand (p< 0.05) and also there was significant difference in the ATD angles of the right hand (p< 0.05) between the groups. The results could be of importance in early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Key words:  Prostate cancer, ATD angles, digital pattern, Nigerians, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
G.S. Oladipo, M.K. Sapira, O.N. Ekeke, M. Oyakhire, E. Chinwo, B. Apiafa and I.G. Osogba, . Dermatoglyphics of Prostate Cancer Patients. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (3): Page No: 131-134.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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