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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2012(Vol.4, Issue:6)
Article Information:

Clinical and Histopathological Characteristics of Breast Cancer in People of Baluchistan and Adjoining Territory of Afghanistan

Hajrah Doutani, Shahab-ud-din, Jamila Doutani, Samia Parveen, Farooq Khan, Dost Mohammad Baloch, Roohullah and Hafiz Khush-Naseeb Ahmad
Corresponding Author:  Hajrah Doutani 
Submitted: July 30, 2012
Accepted: September 08, 2012
Published: November 20, 2012
Breast cancer is a common type of malignancy in the province of Balochistan. The aim of this study was to see the various features of breast cancer in order to know the pattern of disease in the recent time. The present study was conducted during 2001-2005 to evaluate the clinical and pathological characteristics of breast cancer in people of Balochistan including patients from Afghanistan. This study also aims to assess the geographical features and characteristics of Breast Cancer in patients registered at Centre for Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy (CENAR). Study included all patients admitted in Centre for Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy (CENAR), with carcinoma of breast during the above mentioned period. Different characteristics like Gender and age distributions, residence, clinical Stages, history of breast feeding and other relevant data, investigations are included in this study. Total of 272 patients were included in the study, out of which there were 256 (294%) female and 16 (6%) male patients including 32 (12%) females and 3 (1%) males from Afghanistan with Breast cancer. Most common age group was 41-50 years with 94 (35%) patients, followed by 31-40 years with 68 (25%) patients. 16 (6%) cases of stage I, 20 (7%) cases of stage 2, 68 (25%) cases of stage 3 and 168 (62%) cases of stage 4 of breast cancer were diagnosed in the study. About 196 (72%) and 76 (27.9%) were of urban and rural area by residence, respectively. Most common type of Breast cancer was infiltrating ductal carcinoma with 212 (78%) patients. Baluchistan province is seemed to be at high risk for Breast cancer. It is also common in Afghanistan and other areas of Pakistan. Breast cancer is a common disease at a young to middle age distribution with ductal carcinoma being the most common type. The ailment of breast cancer in Balochistan including Afghanistan is due to the lack of knowledge and awareness.

Key words:  Age distribution, breast cancer, CENAR, clinical stages, ductal carcinoma, gender distribution,
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Cite this Reference:
Hajrah Doutani, Shahab-ud-din, Jamila Doutani, Samia Parveen, Farooq Khan, Dost Mohammad Baloch, Roohullah and Hafiz Khush-Naseeb Ahmad, . Clinical and Histopathological Characteristics of Breast Cancer in People of Baluchistan and Adjoining Territory of Afghanistan. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (6): 676-681.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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