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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2010(Vol.2, Issue:3)
Article Information:

Comparative Genomic Studies in Leguminous Species

S. Shazia, A. Habib, B. Yasmin, S. Ghafoor and A.K. Imtiaz
Corresponding Author:  Imtiaz Ahmed Khan 
Submitted: 2010 March, 30
Accepted: 2010 April, 13
Published: 2010 May, 20
Comparative Genomics is relatively a new discipline of Genetics, which deals with the relationships between the genomes of genera, species, varieties or strains. For elaborating comparative genomics of legumes; fourteen accessions belonging to seven species viz; Vigna radiate, Vigna mungo, Vicia ervilia, Vicia faba, Phaseolus vulgaris, Cicer arietinum and Lens culinaris, were analyzed using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Alleles of various sizes ranging from 500-1400 bp were amplified. On an average 3.5 allele per genotype were amplified. The average genetic distance ranged from 4-91%. Phylogenetic relationship among the legumes based upon DNA analysis was studied through dendrogram analysis. All the accessions were clustered in 6 groups. It was found that Vigna radiata and Vigna mungo accessions were most distantly related to each other.

Key words:  Dendrogram, genetic distances, legumes, phylogenetic relationship, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, ,
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Cite this Reference:
S. Shazia, A. Habib, B. Yasmin, S. Ghafoor and A.K. Imtiaz, . Comparative Genomic Studies in Leguminous Species. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (3): Page No: 178-182.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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