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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2009(Vol.1, Issue:2)
Article Information:

Immune Mediated and Drug Toxicity Caused Structural Changes in Different Regions of Adjuvant-induced Arthritic Rats Rattus Norvegicus – A Histopathological Study

Sambandam Subramanian
Corresponding Author:  Sambandam Subramanian 
Submitted: 2009 June, 27
Accepted: 2009 July, 05
Rheumatoid arthritis the inflammatory disease of joints and other mucsuloskeletal regions. The exact etiology not fully understood. But, the histopathological examinations giving much anticipated explanation for immune mediated damage. But perhaps, the damage is not only restricted to the joint region. Evidences to structural changes occurred in other regions also well documented. Many pathological changes with other organs such as brain, liver, kidney, spleen and muscle etc., are thought to have similar immune mediated alterations. The Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) adverse manifestation is another subject on cause for structural damage for many decades. Till date many works emphasized the need of understanding what could happen in other peripheral and reproductive regions when the inflammation was initiated and maintained in diseased state. Perhaps the inflammation associated changes could also be expected with other regions in the patients and also the NSAIDs are more potent drugs to create undesirable effects when taken regularly. On the one needs to understand the possible pathological changes in connection to inflammation and drug induced changes with disease course. In this present study organs like liver, kidney, testis, muscle, spleen, footpad skin, dorsum skin, knee joint and femur bone were taken for analysis to document pathological changes in adjuvant arthritis condition. The results were documented similar pathological changes in those regions to arthritic knee joint.

Key words:  Adjuvant Arthritis, Immune Mechanism, Drug Toxicity, Inflammation, Histopathology, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Sambandam Subramanian, . Immune Mediated and Drug Toxicity Caused Structural Changes in Different Regions of Adjuvant-induced Arthritic Rats Rattus Norvegicus – A Histopathological Study. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (2): Page No: 27-33.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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