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     Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

2011(Vol.3, Issue:3)
Article Information:

Stability of Passive Immunisation and Efficacy of Vaccines of Hepatitis B Model

A.A. Momoh, M.O. Ibrahim and B.A. Madu
Corresponding Author:  Abdulfatai Atte Momoh 
Submitted: 2011 June, 21
Accepted: 2011 August, 07
Published: 2011 September, 25
The phenomenon of passive immunisation in disease control models, where a stable epidemic equilibrium state co exist with a stable disease free equilibrium when associated eigen values are all negative, has important implication for disease control. In this study, we modelled the effect of passive immunisation and infectious hepatitis B treatment on the spread and control of the disease. We established the existence of equilibrium states and analyse the disease free equilibrium for stability. It was established that λ1 = -μ, λ2 = -μ, λ3 = -(γ + μ) and λ4 = (δB / μ) - μ hence, the disease free equilibrium state will be stable if (δB / μ) < μ i.e., (number of susceptible individuals produced is less than natural death rate). Thus, effort should be intensify in increasing the duration of efficacy of the vaccines used in passive immunisation programme.

Key words:  Equilibrium state, epidemic, Hepatitis B, immunisation, passive, stability, vaccines
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Cite this Reference:
A.A. Momoh, M.O. Ibrahim and B.A. Madu, . Stability of Passive Immunisation and Efficacy of Vaccines of Hepatitis B Model. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (3): 107-110.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7505
ISSN (Print):   2042-2024
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