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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Image Compression Based on Cubic Bezier Interpolation, Wavelet Transform, Polynomial Approximation, Quadtree Coding and High Order Shift Encoding

1Shaymaa D. Ahmed, 1Loay E. George and 2Ban N. Dhannoon
1Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq
2Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Al_Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology  2016  9:696-705
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.13.3343  |  © The Author(s) 2016
Received: February ‎13, ‎2016  |  Accepted: May ‎7, ‎2016  |  Published: November 05, 2016


In this study, an efficient compression system is introduced, it is based on using wavelet transform and two types of 3Dimension (3D) surface representations (i.e., Cubic Bezier Interpolation (CBI)) and 1st order polynomial approximation. Each one is applied on different scales of the image; CBI is applied on the wide area of the image in order to prune the image components that show large scale variation, while the 1st order polynomial is applied on the small area of residue component (i.e., after subtracting the cubic Bezier from the image) in order to prune the local smoothing components and getting better compression gain. Then, the produced cubic Bezier surface is subtracted from the image signal to get the residue component. Then, thebi-orthogonal wavelet transform is applied on the produced Bezier residue component. The resulting transform coefficients are quantized using progressive scalar quantization and the 1st order polynomial is applied on the quantized LL subband to produce the polynomial surface, then the produced polynomial surface is subtracted from the LL subband to get the residue component (high frequency component). Then, the quantized values are represented using quad tree encoding to prune the sparse blocks, followed by high order shift coding algorithm to handle the remaining statistical redundancy and to attain efficient compression performance. The conducted tests indicated that the introduced system leads to promising compression gain.


Biorthogonal transform, cubic Bezier interpolation , polynomial approximation and shift coding,


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The authors have no competing interests.

ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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