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     Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology

2011(Vol.3, Issue:1)
Article Information:

Abundance, Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor in Selected Reef Fishes of the Kenyan Marine Artisanal Fishery

E.K. Mbaru, E.N. Kimani, L.M. Otwoma, A.Kimeli and T.K. Mkare
Corresponding Author:  Emmanuel Kakunde Mbaru 
Submitted: 2010 August, 07
Accepted: 2010 October, 14
Published: 2010 February, 15
This study describes the results of length frequency distribution, catch per unit effort, Length-Weight Relationship and condition factor (Fulton’s K) analysis of 4 major fish species along the Kenyan coast. Highest CPUE value (1.8±0.7 kg) was observed among E. andersoni in 2001, however all species recorded high CPUE values in 2005. Over 70% of the fish landed measured between 10-35 cm (total length) with a decrease in K values beyond the 50 cm length among the 4 species. From 5 cm size classes, parameters a and b of the lengthweight relationship of the form W = a.Lb were estimated. All regressions were highly significant, with coefficient of determination (r2) going up to 0.99 (L. fulviflamma, p<0.05). The Student’s t-test revealed most size classes had b-values ranging from 2.38 (25-29 cm) to 3.99 (70-74 cm) (L. fulviflamma) significantly different from 3 (p<0.01, p<0.05). This implies that the “cube law” cannot be applied to all size classes. The estimated parameters should be applied to the species within the specific length ranges analyzed. Knowledge of these species is important for adequate management and maintenance of the biological equilibrium of the ecosystem.

Key words:  Condition factor, CPUE, kenyan coast, length frequency, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
E.K. Mbaru, E.N. Kimani, L.M. Otwoma, A.Kimeli and T.K. Mkare, . Abundance, Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor in Selected Reef Fishes of the Kenyan Marine Artisanal Fishery. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, (1): 1-8.
ISSN (Online):  2042-4876
ISSN (Print):   2042-4868
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