Article Information:
Anthropometric Study of the Cephalic and Nasal Indices of Ogu and Ikwerre People of Nigeria
E.A. Osunwoke, G.S. Oladipo, K.S. Ordu and C.W. Paul
Corresponding Author: E.A. Osunwoke
Submitted: 2011 May, 21
Accepted: 2011 July, 02
Published: 2012 January, 20 |
The aim of this study is to provide a baseline data of cephalic and nasal index of Ogu and Ikwerre
people of southern Nigeria. Cephalic index is used to measure the size of the head while nasal index is used
to measure the size of the nose. A total number of one thousand subjects (1000) comprising five hundred (500)
from each tribe were selected for this study. To obtain the nasal index, the nasal length was measured from the
nasion to the point where the nasal septum merges with the skin of the upper lip (nasospinale), while the nasal
breadth was measured from ala to ala using a vernier caliper. For the cephalic index to be obtained, the head
length was measured from the glabella to the external occipital protuberance (opistocranium), while the head
breadth was measured from the transverse diameter of the head (biparietal diameter) using a spreading caliper.
The results obtained showed that the Ikwerre males and females have a mean nasal index of 93.8 and 95.8 and
a cephalic index of 74.9 and 74.8, respectively while the Ogu males and females have a mean nasal index of
95.8 and 87.34 and a cephalic index of 74.83 and 74.8, There was a significant difference in the nasal index
of both Ikwerre and Ogu males and females (p<0.05), while the cephalic index showed no significant difference
(p>0.05). This study has shown that the Ikwerre and Ogu people are both platyrrhines and their cephalic index
indicated that they are dolicocephalic.
Key words: Cephalic, Ikwerre, nasal index, Nigeria, Ogu, ,
Cite this Reference:
E.A. Osunwoke, G.S. Oladipo, K.S. Ordu and C.W. Paul, . Anthropometric Study of the Cephalic and Nasal Indices of Ogu and Ikwerre People of Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (1): 1-3.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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