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Larvicidal Activity of Trigonella foenum and Nerium oleander Leaves Against Mosquito Larvae Found in Vellore City, India
R. Lokesh, E. Leonard Barnabas, P. Madhuri, K. Saurav and K. Sundar
Corresponding Author: Kumar Saurav
Submitted: 2009 December, 03
Accepted: 2010 January, 02
Published: 2010 May, 20 |
The aim of this study is to evaluate larvicidal activityof Trigonella foenum and Nerium oleander
against mosquito and to test their activity in combination with each other. Mosquito, the primary vector for
malaria, dengue and other severe infectious diseases are the major problem in Vellore city. Survey on the
prevalence of mosquitoes present in Vellore city and the larvicidal activity of Trigonella foenum and Nerium oleander leaf extracts on the different mosquito larvae were studied. Further we studied the larvicidal effect
of the combination of both the plant extracts. The results showed that, there are four genera of mosquitoes
present in Vellore city and the leaf extract of both the above plants contains larvicidal activity for the most
available genera in the survey, and the combination of the extracts, increased the activity considerably to a high
Key words: Larvicidal activity, Nerium oleander, Trigonella foenum, Vellore, , ,
Cite this Reference:
R. Lokesh, E. Leonard Barnabas, P. Madhuri, K. Saurav and K. Sundar, . Larvicidal Activity of Trigonella foenum and Nerium oleander Leaves Against Mosquito Larvae Found in Vellore City, India. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (3): Page No: 154-160.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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