Article Information:
Tissue Distribution in Primal Cuts of Canadian Beef Composites and Opportunities for Harvesting Younger and Leaner Cattle
L.A. Goonewardene, J.A. Basarab, Z. Wang, M.A. Price, P. Ramsey, T. Marx, J. Aalhus, R.W. Seneviratne, W.G.N.P. Yalingasinghe and E.K. Okine
Corresponding Author: L.A. Goonewardene
Submitted: 2011 Feb., 25
Accepted: 2011 June, 02
Published: 2012 February, 15 |
The objectives were to compare weights and proportions (%) of muscle (M), fat (F) and bone (B)
in the carcass, primal cuts (brisket, loin and short loin, chuck, flank, plate, rib, round and shank) and fat depots
in three BeefBooster® composites (n = 176) from 274-456 days at slaughter, and determine harvest times at
which M is maximized and F is optimized. Composites were from lines M1, M2, M3, M4 and TX. The SM type
contained M3 and other small breeds; AH contained M1 and M2 which had either Angus (A) or Hereford (H),
and GLC contained both M4 made up of either Gelbveih (G) or Limousin (L) and TX made up of Charolais
(C). Tissue weights and proportions were analyzed by covariance within slaughter time (274, 347, 372, 399,
427 and 456 d, respectively) with composite type (SM, AH and GLC) as fixed, year (1 & 2) as random and age
within slaughter time as a covariate. In the carcass and primal cuts, the weight of M, weight and percent F
increased while the percent M decreased with slaughter age. SM had less M (p<0.05) than AH and GLC in the
carcass and primal cuts with the exception of the loin, plate and rib at 399 day, and the shank and rib at 427 day.
The proportion of F in the carcass was similar (p>0.05) for SM and AH at 372, 399 and 427 day. The M:F ratio
decreased with age and the decrease was more pronounced in SM and AH than GLC. The round had the least
amount and proportion of F and the flank had the most. The weight and proportion of F in all primal cuts
differed (p<0.05) between composites especially beyond 399ºC. The SM and AH can be harvested 60 and 30
days earlier respectively, so as to increase % M and decrease % F.
Key words: Fat, growth pattern, ideal carcass, muscle, slaughter time, ,
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L.A. Goonewardene, J.A. Basarab, Z. Wang, M.A. Price, P. Ramsey, T. Marx, J. Aalhus, R.W. Seneviratne, W.G.N.P. Yalingasinghe and E.K. Okine, . Tissue Distribution in Primal Cuts of Canadian Beef Composites and Opportunities for Harvesting Younger and Leaner Cattle. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, (1): 1-15.
ISSN (Online): 2041-2908
ISSN (Print): 2041-2894 |
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