Article Information:
Generating Thematic Displays for A Simplified Pavement Information and Management System for A Developing Country Using Matlab Application
A.S. Adedimila, A.O. Olutaiwo and Orolu Kehinde
Corresponding Author: Adewale Olutaiwo
Submitted: 2009 April, 06
Accepted: 2009 May, 22
Published: |
The trend in the development of most sophisticated Pavement Information and Management Systems
(PIMS) is to them atically display the results of the analyses in G IS environment. How ever, for a developing
country such as Nigeria, there is always the challenge of lack of mastery and skill necessary to develop and
maintain a PIMS based on GIS.The thrust of the research work was to develop thematic displays for a
simplified PIMS, based partly on ArcGIS, and MATLAB. Paper map of the federal road network for Nigeria
was digitized in ArcGIS environment and transferred to MATLAB environment. The resulting database (of the
digitized road map) was merged with the parent database of the PIMS in M icrosoft Access, such that, the results
of all the various analyses performed within the MATLAB environment are also displayed thematically in
Key words: PIMS, thematic display, GIS, MATLAB, referencing systems, ,
Cite this Reference:
A.S. Adedimila, A.O. Olutaiwo and Orolu Kehinde, . Generating Thematic Displays for A Simplified Pavement Information and Management System for A Developing Country Using Matlab Application. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 1-5.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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