Article Information:
Critical Processes Involved in Formulation of Water-in-Oil Fuel Emulsions, Combustion Efficiency of the Emulsified Fuels and Their Possible Environmental Impacts
A.N. Dibofori-Orji
Corresponding Author: A.N. Dibofori-Orji
Submitted: 2011 March, 19
Accepted: 2011 July, 02
Published: 2011 August, 30 |
The aim of this study is to highlight some problems encountered during the formulation of water-inoil
(w/o) emulsions of diesel fuel. The combustion efficiency of the resultant emulsions and some pollutant gas
emissions were determined. The paper also discussed possible environmental impacts of these emissions.
Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) find application in many modes of transportation including marine, land
and air transportation. Economic and environmental considerations have led to the quest for improved
combustion efficiency of the various fossil fuels used for these modes of transportation. The possibility of
combustion of emulsified fuels has been the centre of some research efforts in the search for improved
combustion efficiency. Diesel is mixed with water to form fuel-oil emulsions for combustion in some internal
combustion engines. Depending on certain factors, two possible types of fuel-oil emulsions can be obtained:
Oil in water and water in oil emulsions. Combustibility of the resulting emulsions was investigated. In this
study, neat diesel was emulsified using polyethylene glycol as the emulsifying agent to produce water in oil
emulsions. The water in oil emulsion was found to be combustible within certain limits of percentage content
of water and air/fuel ratios. Problems encountered in the attempts to burn the emulsions include the nature and
type of emulsifying agent, the method and means of mixing, as well as stability of the emulsions. This study
shows that the emulsion containing 5% water had the highest combustion efficiency. Combustion of fuels,
whether neat or emulsified, has some environmental impacts. Different noxious substances as exhaust products
of combustion when emitted into the atmosphere could be injurious to human health, plants and animals within
or close to the operating environments. In this study, the exhaust gases were analysed and their possible
environmental impacts were discussed. The emulsion containing 7.5% water produced the least percentage of
carbon monoxide (CO), a highly pollutant gas. Generally, emulsified fuels produce better combustion efficiency
and less negative environmental emissions than neat fuels.
Key words: Combustion rig, emulsifying agent, emulsions, fossil fuels, , ,
Cite this Reference:
A.N. Dibofori-Orji, . Critical Processes Involved in Formulation of Water-in-Oil Fuel Emulsions, Combustion Efficiency of the Emulsified Fuels and Their Possible Environmental Impacts. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (08): 701-706.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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