Article Information:
A Review of Topography in Fish Culture in Nigeria Part 1
J.F.N. Abowei and P.A. Bariweni
Corresponding Author: Abowei Jasper
Accepted: 2011 July, 02
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A review of topography in fish culture in Nigeria part two is aimed at bridging the technical language
gap between the fish culturist and; both land surveyors and civil engineers. The fish culturists need to
understand the principles in topography for good site selection in fish culture. The fish farmer can design and
build fishponds, reservoirs and small dams and use existing topographical maps. An adequate knowledge of
topography by fish culturist bridges the technical language gap between the fish culturist and; both land
surveyors and civil engineers. The fish culturist can discuss his plans, projects and understand books on
topography, engineering and surveying. Good fish farm construction can only be possible with the right
topography. Features of a fish pond, different kinds of pond, advantages and disadvantages of these types of
pond, basic pond types, characteristics of shallow and deep ponds, setting out a straight line between two points,
prolonging a line, horizontal distance measurement, pace count, chaining, clisimeter, stadia method are some
principles in topography for good site selection in fish culture reviewed in this part aimed at enabling the fish
culturists know these basic principles to design and build fishponds, reservoirs and small dams and use existing
topographical maps.
Key words: Distance meaning, horizontal classification pond, measurement, topography distance, measurement, ,
Cite this Reference:
J.F.N. Abowei and P.A. Bariweni, . A Review of Topography in Fish Culture in Nigeria Part 1. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (10): 1057-1076.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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