Article Information:
The Corrosion Research on Sand Screen in the Stratum Water Saturated with CO2
Hang Li, Yonghong Liu, Yazhou Wang, Jianmin Ma and Baoping Cai
Corresponding Author: Hang Li
Submitted: 2011 July, 20
Accepted: 2011 September, 25
Published: 2011 November, 25 |
In order to investigate the corrosion behavior of the sand screen material in stratum water, the
corrosion of sand screen made of carbon/Alloy steels J55 is researched by changing the match of the Cl-, Ca2+
and the HCO3- in the stratum water saturated with CO2 to obtain the corrosion rate and slot width increment
curve. Electron Microscopy is also used to acquire the corrosion morphology of the sample. The rule of the
point corrosion and uniform corrosion is analyzed by combining the corrosion rate curve and corrosion
morphology. The results show that the corrosion scale can be approximately divided into three layers. The outer
layer is loose while the inner layer is compact. The corrosion rate and the slot width increment increase with
the increasing of the ClG concentrations. However, the corrosion rate and slot width increment decrease with
the increasing of the Ca2+ concentrations. The complexity of the HCO3- hydration results in the corrosion
complexity. When the ClG concentrations are kept in a low level, serious pitting corrosion exists at most region
of the sample surface. When the Cl- concentrations rise to a high level, the surface appears uniform corrosion.
The existences of the Ca2+ help the sample resist from the further corrosion.
Key words: Carbon/alloy steels, corrosion test, CO2, electron microscopy, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Hang Li, Yonghong Liu, Yazhou Wang, Jianmin Ma and Baoping Cai, . The Corrosion Research on Sand Screen in the Stratum Water Saturated with CO2. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (11): 1214-1220.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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