Article Information:
Investigation of Energy Consumption in Agriculture Sector of Iran and their Effect on Air Pollution and Social Cost
A. Asakereh, M.J. Shiekhdavoodi and A. Akram
Corresponding Author: Abbas Asakereh
Submitted: 2010 April, 26
Accepted: 2010 May, 08
Published: 2010 August, 01 |
The aims of this study are investigation of consumption, intensity and efficiency of fossil fuels and
electricity energy in Iran's agriculture sector and emission of GHG and air pollutants and their social (damage)
costs. D ata used in this study were obtained from ministry of energy and central bank of Iron in 1997- 2007.
Input energy of fossil fuel and electricity in agriculture increased from 265.1 to 411.2 PJ in this period. Results
show that the efficiency of using of fuels and electricity has not increased and increasing of social costs of GHG
and air pollutants emission has been more than added value of agriculture sector. So, it is necessary that by
increasing of technology level and replacement of age-old and depreciated machineries and equipments,
appropriate management and increasing efficiency of fuel and electricity energy in macro level will cause
decreasing negative effects of energy consumption.
Key words: Electricity, fossil fuel, greenhouse gas, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
A. Asakereh, M.J. Shiekhdavoodi and A. Akram, . Investigation of Energy Consumption in Agriculture Sector of Iran and their Effect on Air Pollution and Social Cost. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (5): Page No: 401-406.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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