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     Research Journal of Information Technology

2011(Vol.3, Issue:1)
Article Information:

E-Village Pedagogical Behavior From E-Government Through VSAT - A Case Study

C. Suresh Gnana Dhas and V. Ganesan
Corresponding Author:  C. Suresh Gnana Dhas 
Submitted: 2009 October, 30
Accepted: 2009 December, 03
Published: 2011 March, 20
Electronic governance plays an important role in developing nations. In spite e-village is responsive domain of all citizens. A digitalized data source, which is provided by government, is an operation for issuance of the electronic certificates, forums and proofs, etc at the village level, which is far behind administrative unit and also very important part of all national e-governance. In these phases, evillages need a phenomenal position to provide basic provisions and e-government services to their citizens in their vernacular language with the availability of VSAT connectivity. To leverage of IT resources at the village level, e-village are being operated through computer on a revenue sharing basis under public and private partnership model. The main task of this paper is e-village along with internet connectivity operated through a computer entrepreneur - the e-governance business model of any nations has started functioning as a Village Knowledge Centre (VKC) or Common Service Centre (CSC) as conceived by the effective government. The main view of development initiatives is every rural citizen matters agenda brought in to the universal coverage of the initiative and the timely execution to ensure responsiveness of the government guided the implementation of the e-village. Example: government may provide personal computer system to village people with broadband connectivity for rollout the educational awareness through e-services from VSAT.

Key words:  CSC, e-governance, e-village, VSAT, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
C. Suresh Gnana Dhas and V. Ganesan, . E-Village Pedagogical Behavior From E-Government Through VSAT - A Case Study. Research Journal of Information Technology , (1): 1-5.
ISSN (Online):  2041-3114
ISSN (Print):   2041-3106
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