Article Information:
Study of the Body Mass Index and Waist to Hip Ratio of the Ogoni and Ikwerre Adults in Nigeria
G.S. Oladipo, P.D. Okoh, A.A. Ugboma Henry and K.L. Yorkum
Corresponding Author: Oladipo Gabriel Sunday
Submitted: 2010 April, 17
Accepted: 2010 May, 24
Published: 2010 June, 20 |
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an important anthropometric tool used in the determination of how
much of the body is composed of fat. The BMI determines the caloric nutritional status of an individual by the
consideration of the result of its ratio of weight in kilogram to the square of the height of in metres. The
determination of the differences in nutritional status that exist between the Ogonis and Ikwerres using their
body mass indices and Waist to Hip Ratio is the purpose of this research so as to inform us on the classification
of the ethnic groups whether they are underweight, overweight, normal and/or obese. A sample size of 1000
was used for this study, 500 from each tribe. The sample collection was randomly selected from villages in
Ogoni and Ikwerre respectively, all in Rivers State. The results obtained showed that the average mean value
of BMI is 25.14 kg/m2 for Ogoni females, 23.81 kg/m2 for Ogoni males, 23.29 kg/m2 for Ikwerre females and
21.51 kg/m2 for Ikwerre males. Similarly, the average mean values of Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) obtained
showed 1.19 for Ogoni females, 0.88 for Ogoni males, 0.83 for Ikwerre males. The study also showed that
amongst the males, 6% were underweight, 27.6% were overweight, 58.4% were normal and 6.8% considered
obese while amongst the Ogoni females, 8% were underweight, 29.6% overweight, 45.6% were normal and
15.6% were obese. The results obtained from the male Ikwerre population indicated that 3.2% were
underweight, 11.2% were overw eight, 88.4% were norm al and no case of obesity in this group category while
the results obtained from the Ikwerre females showed 4.8% underweight, 13.2% overweight, 76.4% normal and
2.8% obese. There is therefore a clear indication from the result and data obtained that the Ogoni population
show a greater percentage of obesity than the Ikwerres. This is important in the analysis and possible health
remedy recommendation.
Key words: Body mass index, Ikwerre, Nigeria, Ogoni, waist to hip ratio, ,
Cite this Reference:
G.S. Oladipo, P.D. Okoh, A.A. Ugboma Henry and K.L. Yorkum, . Study of the Body Mass Index and Waist to Hip Ratio of the Ogoni and Ikwerre Adults in Nigeria. British Journal of Dairy Sciences, (1): Page No: 6-9.
ISSN (Online): 2044-2440
ISSN (Print): 2044-2432 |
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