Article Information:
Antimicrobial Effect of Five Seahorse Species from Indian Coast
K. Kumaravel, S. Ravichandran, T. Balasubramanian, K. Siva Subramanian and Bilal Ahmad Bhat
Corresponding Author: KUMARAVEL
Submitted: 2010 May, 22
Accepted: 2010 June, 08
Published: 2010 November, 15 |
Seahorses are the good source of bioactive compounds. In the present study five species of seahorses
Hippocampus fuscus, Hippocampus spinnossimus, Hippocampus kelloggi, Hippocampus kuda and
Hippocampus trimaculatus were collec ted from the Gulf of Manner region of Rameshwarm. The collected
seahorses were identified based on the skeletal characteristics, external morphology, and consistency features
of the seahorse body surface. Antimicrobial activity of various extractions (Methanol, chloroform, and
n-butanol) was investigated against 20 pathogenic strains. Among the tested 20 strains maximum activity (zone
of inhibition) was recorded in Klebsilla pneumoniae, and Vibrio cholerae in the case of H. trimaculatus in
n-butanol extracts and Staphylococcus aureus in the case of H. kuda in n-butanol extract. Some meager activity
was observed in the case of H. kellogi towards Streptococcus areus and Salmonella typhi. Hence this present
investigation suggests that seahorses will be a potential source of natural bioactive compounds.
Key words: Antimicrobial, bioactive compound, gulf of mannar, microbes, pathogens, seahorses,
Cite this Reference:
K. Kumaravel, S. Ravichandran, T. Balasubramanian, K. Siva Subramanian and Bilal Ahmad Bhat, . Antimicrobial Effect of Five Seahorse Species from Indian Coast. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (2): 62-66.
ISSN (Online): 2044-2467
ISSN (Print): 2044-2459 |
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