Article Information:
The Response of Some Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Varieties for Salt Stress during Germination and Seedling Stage
Kinfemichael Geressu Asfaw
Corresponding Author: Kinfemichael Geressu Asfaw
Submitted: 2010 October, 30
Accepted: 2010 November, 26
Published: 2011 July, 15 |
Fourteen haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties were tested during germination and seedling
growth at 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 dS/m salinity levels. Data analysis was carried out using jmp5 statistical software
(version 5.0). Final Germination Percentage (FGP), Seedling Shoot Length (SSL), Seedling Root Length (SRL)
and seedling shoot-to-root ratio (SRR) were measured. The data analysis showed insignificant variation among
most parameters recorded for varieties (p>0.05). The ANOVA displayed statistical significance for treatments
for all parameters at p<0.0001. However, it was insignificant for variety*treatment interaction (p>0.05).
Seedling root length was more salt affected than seedling shoot length. Variety Awash Melka was found salt
tolerant during germination and seedling growth. Variety Mexican 142 was salt sensitive during germination
but later became salt tolerant during seedling growth. On the other hand, variety Dimtu was salt sensitive during
germination and seedling growth. The rest haricot bean varieties were intermediate in their salt tolerance. The
study affirmed the presence of broad intraspecific genetic variation in haricot bean varieties for salt tolerance.
Irrespective of salinity being a growing problem in Ethiopia in general and the Awash Valley in particular, only
little has been done on crops salt tolerance. Therefore, to alleviate the salinity problem, there should be similar
and profound studies on haricot beans and other crops.
Key words: Germination, haricot bean, NaCl, salinity, seedling growth, varieties,
Cite this Reference:
Kinfemichael Geressu Asfaw, . The Response of Some Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Varieties for Salt Stress during Germination and Seedling Stage. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (4): 282-288.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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