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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2012(Vol.4, Issue:5)
Article Information:

Preliminary Checklist of Phytoplankton and Periphyton in River Okhuo, Nigeria

Fidelia Okosisi Alika and Osondu Christopher Akoma
Corresponding Author:  Osondu Christopher Akoma 
Submitted: March 19, 2012
Accepted: June 15, 2012
Published: September 20, 2012
This study presents the phytoplankton and periphyton diversity of River Okhuo, Edo State, Nigeria from July-December, 2002. Phytoplankton samples were collected using a 55 μm mesh net while periphyton were collected by scrapping wood, stones, leaves and branches and both were preserved separately in 4% formalin. Camera Lucida drawings were taken and a total of 106 species, with more periphyton than phytoplankton were identified using monographs and research publications. The phytoplankton assemblages comprised of Bacillariophyta (43.94%) > Chlorophyta (42.42%) > Cyanophyta (6.06%) ≥ Euglenophyta (6.06%) > Rhodophyta (1.49%) while for the periphyton, distribution of species were: Chlorophyta (57.83 %) > Bacillariophyta (25.30%) > Cyanobacteria (10.84%) > Euglenophyta (4.82%) > Rhodophyta (1.21%). Chlorophyta was dominated by desmids, which were largely represented by species of Cosmarium and Closterium. The Bacillariophyta was represented by two (2) orders: Centrales and Pennales. Cyanobacteria was grouped into five families: Chroococcaceae, Nostocaceae, Rivulariaceae, Scytonemaceae and Oscillatoriaceae. Euglena (5) and Phacus (2) of Euglenophyta were recorded while Batrachospermum vagum was the only representative of the Rhodophyta.

Key words:  Nigeria, periphyton, phytoplankton, river okhuo, species, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Fidelia Okosisi Alika and Osondu Christopher Akoma, . Preliminary Checklist of Phytoplankton and Periphyton in River Okhuo, Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (5): 538-543.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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