Article Information:
Well Spacing for Horizontal Wells
C.D.S. Keuengoua and R. Amorin
Corresponding Author: Richard Amorin
Submitted: 2010 December, 27
Accepted: 2011 April, 11
Published: 2011 June, 25 |
In the developing phase of a hydrocarbon reservoir and planning for drilling the production wells,
it is necessary to drill the wells in an appropriate spacing to achieve maximum economic revenues during the
reservoir life span. Well spacing which is the real location and interrelationship between producing oil or gas
wells in an oil field is an important parameter. It is determined for the maximum ultimate production of a given
reservoir and should be taken in consideration during well planning to avoid drilling of unnecessary wells. This
study presents the concept of drainage area on horizontal well and horizontal productivity indices with different
equations and their applications. A user friendly Excel Spreadsheet program was developed to calculate the
productivity values of horizontal wells using three major available productivity equations. Also, the developed
spreadsheet program was used to evaluate the effect of well spacing on the productivities of horizontal wells
using productivity index approach and drainage area concept. It also helps to review the comparison between
vertical and horizontal wells spacing based on drainage area concept. This program was validated, and then was
used to study the effect of horizontal well length on the ratio of horizontal well productivity to vertical well
productivity. The results show that higher ratio of horizontal well productivity to vertical well productivity
values are obtained with increase length of the horizontal well. It is a very useful tool for making decision about
the application of well spacing for horizontal wells.
Key words: Drilling, horizontal, planning, productivity, vertical, well spacing,
Cite this Reference:
C.D.S. Keuengoua and R. Amorin, . Well Spacing for Horizontal Wells. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (06): 486-493.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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