Article Information:
Ground Magnetic Data Interpretation of Ijebu-Jesa Area, Southwestern Nigeria, Using Total Component
J.S. Kayode and A.O. Adelusi
Corresponding Author: Kayode John Stephen
Submitted: 2010 July, 31
Accepted: 2010 September, 22
Published: 2010 December, 10 |
The ground magnetic studies of Ijebu-jesa town in Oriade local government area of Osun State
Southwestern Nigeria were carried out to study the subsurface geology of the area. The Total Component
Magnetic Intensities data was interpreted. The qualitative interpretation of the ground magnetic data showed
varying magnetic intensities over the different rock types in this area from the approximation of the geologic
boundaries were delineated. Also the quantitative interpretation resulted in generation of geomagnetic section
using linear trends gives magnetic intensity values that vary between about -250 nT to about 300 nT. Depth to
the basement rock was estimated using slope techniques this allow s the Lateral and Depth estimates of different
rock types to be determined. Also basement structures such as bedrock topography; bedrock depression; rock
boundaries, contact zone, fractures/faults were delineated which serve as deposits centers’ for mineral
resources. The trend analysis was used to produce a residual magnetic map which allows better mapping of
Iwaraja fault as seen on Amphibolites schist.
Key words: Magnetic intensity, residual ground magnetic, geomagnetic sections, rock boundaries, Ijebu-jesa, ,
Cite this Reference:
J.S. Kayode and A.O. Adelusi, . Ground Magnetic Data Interpretation of Ijebu-Jesa Area, Southwestern Nigeria, Using Total Component. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (8): 703-709.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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