Article Information:
Using Server Clusterization to Establish Fault-Tolerant Internet Connectivity
O.O. Adeosun, E.R. Adagunodo and E.A. Olajubu
Corresponding Author: O.O. Adeosun
Submitted: 2010 April, 30
Accepted: 2010 June, 14
Published: 2010 November, 15 |
This study discusses the issue of providing tolerance to hardware and software faults in Internet
system as well as issues related to clusterization of servers. A replication scheme is presented, and a detailed
dependability analysis of this scheme is performed. The proposed model was designed mainly for fault-tolerant
internet system where many unrelated applications could compete for hardware and software resources, thereby
exhibiting highly varying and dynamic system characteristics. A major feature of the model under
consideration is to attempt the adaptive execution of redundant components for a required level of fault
Key words: Clusterization, servers, replication scheme, redundant components, dependability analysis, reliability, parallel processing, real-time processing, stochastic modeling
Cite this Reference:
O.O. Adeosun, E.R. Adagunodo and E.A. Olajubu, . Using Server Clusterization to Establish Fault-Tolerant Internet Connectivity. Research Journal of Information Technology , (2): 35-38.
ISSN (Online): 2041-3114
ISSN (Print): 2041-3106 |
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