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     Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

2011(Vol.3, Issue:2)
Article Information:

Proving the Computer Science Theory P = NP? With the General Term of the Riemann Zeta Function

M.V. Atovigba
Corresponding Author:  M.V. Atovigba 
Submitted: 2011 January, 08
Accepted: 2011 February, 03
Published: 2011 May, 25
The study aims at showing that the general term or sequence of the Riemann zeta function is a polynomial time algorithm or Turing machine M which is used to resolve the computer science theory: P = NP? ξ(s)depends on the set of analytic zeros s = σ+it as raw materials while s depends on t, where t and σ are real numbers. The work shows that in polynomial time s(|t|) and for all strings of integer values n ≥ 1, M is closed and bounded of real values: [0, 1]. The algorithm M satisfies Cook’s theorem which is an NP-Complete problem. Hence, M is NP-Hard and hence NP-Complete and thus resolves the P = NP? problem at polynomial time s(|t|).

Key words:  Algorithm, closed bounded real values, complex variable, real-valued function, polynomial time, riemann zeta function, turing machine
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Cite this Reference:
M.V. Atovigba, . Proving the Computer Science Theory P = NP? With the General Term of the Riemann Zeta Function. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (2): 72-76.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7505
ISSN (Print):   2042-2024
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