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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2011(Vol.2, Issue:5)
Article Information:

A Review of Myxosporea, Microspora and Monogenea Infections in African Fish

J.F.N. Abowei and E.N. Ezekiel
Corresponding Author:  Abowei Jasper 
Submitted: 2011 August, 01
Accepted: 2011 September, 25
Published: 2011 November, 25
Myxosporea, Microspora and Monogenea infections in African fish was reviewed to educate fish culturists on some potential challenges in culture fisheries management. The description, taxonomy and diagnosis, Pathology, Life cycle and biology, Epizootiology and Control of Myxosporea, Microspora and Monogenea in African fish was reviewed to educate fish culturist on more challenges faced in culture fisheries. Myxoporidea is a class of protozoa which parasitize invertebrates and lower vertebrates particularly fish, often fatal consequences for the host. Microspora consists of simpler spores and are of unicellular origin. They occur in animals of most phyla, but are most commonly found in insects and fishes, where they multiply in the host cells and cause hypertrophy of host tissues. Monogenea is a class of the phylum platyhelminthes commonly found on the skin and gills of marine and fresh water fishes. The worms are characterized by an opistohaopor. The life cycle is Monoxenous. They are hermaphrodites and mainly ectoparasites though a few are known to be endoparasites. These parasites are problem to culture fisheries causing fish mortality.

Key words:  African fish, infections, microspora, monogenea, myxosporea, ,
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Cite this Reference:
J.F.N. Abowei and E.N. Ezekiel, . A Review of Myxosporea, Microspora and Monogenea Infections in African Fish. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (5): 236-250.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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