Article Information:
Effect of Nitrogen and Calcium Sources on Growth and Production of PHA of Pseudomonas sp. LDC-5 and its Mutant
V. Saranya and R. Shenbagarathai
Corresponding Author: Shenbagarathai
Submitted: 2010 January, 29
Accepted: 2010 February, 16
Published: 2010 May, 20 |
Pseudomonas sp. LDC-5 is an indigenous isolate and its mutant MNNG-S produces Short Chain
Length (SCL) - Medium Chain Length (MCL) PHAs when grown in unbalanced nutrient condition. Nutrient
optimization studies would definitely pave way for large-scale production and there by facilitate
commercialization. In this study both the strains were subjected to different nitrogen sources to identify the
optimal nitrogen source and the influenze of Calcium chloride supplementation was examined. Mutant strain
was found to produce higher and quicker yield compared to wild type amongst the minimal medium studied.
Biomass and PHA yield was maximal through the use of Ammonium sulphate as nitrogen source. Calcium
chloride supplementation was found to have a positive influence on both strains, in terms of growth rate and
production. Time profile studies indicated that cellular biomass and PHA production are unified.
Key words: Media optimization, nitrogen sources, polyhydroxyalkanoates, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
V. Saranya and R. Shenbagarathai, . Effect of Nitrogen and Calcium Sources on Growth and Production of PHA of Pseudomonas sp. LDC-5 and its Mutant. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (3): Page No: 164-167.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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