Article Information:
Determination of the Insulation Classification of Nigerian Cloth Fabrics
A.M.O. Obiazi
Corresponding Author: OBIAZI Adagbonyin Moses
Submitted: May 20, 2009
Accepted: 2009 July, 15
Published: |
The temperature-rise which electrical machines may safely withstand is determined by the limiting
temperature of the insulating materials used in them. It is therefore a vital requirement to qualify electrical
insulating materials thermally by determining their insulation class. In this paper, twenty-five sample varieties
of Nigerian cloth fabrics were experimented with to determine their insulation classification. The samples w ere
cut into definite dimensions and w eighed. Each type of cloth fabric was made into two samples; one sample
left in its ordinary state while the other sample was impregnated with insulating varnish. Both samples were
subjected to a heat-run in a sealed industrial oven, while measuring the insulation resistance of the given sample
at regular temperature intervals until the sample burns out. The measured values of weight, insulation resistance
and temperature are shown in tables. Curves were plotted to show the variation of insulation resistance with
temperature. From the experiments, only two of the unimpregnated samples can be used for class Y insulation
whose limiting temperature is 90ÂșC while twenty-four impregnated fabrics can be used for class Y insulation.
Only one cloth fabric is unsuitable for class Y insulation even with impregnation.
Key words: Cloth fabrics, Nigeria, temperature, insulation, resistance, classification,
Cite this Reference:
A.M.O. Obiazi, . Determination of the Insulation Classification of Nigerian Cloth Fabrics. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 90-93.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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