Article Information:
Exponential Expression of Relating Different Positive Point Electrode for Small Air Gap Distance
J.T. Afa and A.T. Wiri
Corresponding Author: John Tarilanyo Afa
Submitted: 2010 April, 17
Accepted: 2010 June, 14
Published: 2010 September, 10 |
The purpose of this research is to draw a-mathematical relationship between different positive point
electrodes using air as the dielectric medium for small gap distance. Four electrodes with varying radius of
curvature were used at gap distance ranging from 1 to 12.5 cm under the same atmospheric condition. These
results were graphically analyzed after finding the fifty percent probability (V50%) of the breakdown voltage.
Using the exponential form in expressing them, a general formula was derived for the breakdown voltage for
sharply non-uniform field for small air gap distances. The humidity level was noted because of the varying
humidity level of environment. The spark over voltage increases with humidity therefore the wet and dry bulb
readings were taken before each experiment and the required correction factors were noted.
Key words: Breakdown voltage, field intensity, humidity level, ionization, sharply non-uniform field, streamer discharge,
Cite this Reference:
J.T. Afa and A.T. Wiri, . Exponential Expression of Relating Different Positive Point Electrode for Small Air Gap Distance. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (6): Page No: 512-518.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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