Article Information:
Discriminant and Classification Analysis of Health Status of Bell Pepper (Capsium annum)
Oludare S. Ariyo, O. Arogundade and Ayoola M. Abdul-Rafiu
Corresponding Author: Oludare S. Ariyo
Submitted: 2011 March, 21
Accepted: 2011 April, 20
Published: 2011 May, 25 |
This study is considered as an attempt for employing the discriminant analysis and classification
method for the purpose of achieving the assessment of discriminnant function through which we can discover
the health status of bell pepper based on measured growth parameters. Linear Discriminant Function (LDF) was
used as a tool for statistics analysis. It was estimated on the bases of data on growth attributes for data taken
from 6 plants from each plot; 3 healthy and 3 diseased. The growth attributes taken were Plant height, number
of leaves and number of fruit six and ten weeks after transplanting. The study results show high significant
difference between both groups based on Hotelling T2 and wilks’ lambda statistics and different variance
covariance structure based on Berlet’s approximation to Chi-square statistics. Finally, the study results showed
that the adapted classification rule lead to the classification of about 83% of the bell pepper to the group which
they belong and 17% to the wrong group. These results shows that discriminant analysis may be an efficient
and useful tool for predicting the health status of bell pepper on the bases of a few growths attributes that are
routinely assessed by researchers and farmers.
Key words: Hotelling T2, Linear Discriminant Function (LDF), wilks’ lambda, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Oludare S. Ariyo, O. Arogundade and Ayoola M. Abdul-Rafiu, . Discriminant and Classification Analysis of Health Status of Bell Pepper (Capsium annum). Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (2): 77-81.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
ISSN (Print): 2042-2024 |
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