Article Information:
Trend Analysis of Determinants of Poverty in Ghana: Logit Approach
C.C. Ennin, P.K. Nyarko, A. Agyeman, F.O. Mettle and E.N.N. Nortey
Corresponding Author: C.C. Ennin
Submitted: 2010 August, 27
Accepted: 2010 October, 14
Published: 2011 February, 15 |
In this study a binomial logistic model is used to determine the factors which influence households’
poverty status using data from three rounds of the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS3, 1991/92; GLSS4,
1998/99 and GLSS5, 2005/06). The results obtained from the analysis indicate that households with large sizes,
illiterate heads, and those with heads that have agriculture as their primary occupation are poorer. Also
households in rural localities and the savanna zone are poorer. It was also evident that while the living standards
of households with large sizes and those with agriculture as primary occupation were improving over the years,
the households with illiterate heads and those who live in the savanna zone were becoming worse off.
Key words: Binomial logit model, expenditure, poor and non-poor households, standard of living, , ,
Cite this Reference:
C.C. Ennin, P.K. Nyarko, A. Agyeman, F.O. Mettle and E.N.N. Nortey, . Trend Analysis of Determinants of Poverty in Ghana: Logit Approach. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (1): 20-27.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
ISSN (Print): 2042-2024 |
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