Article Information:
The Physical Properties of N. lappaceum Seed as a Function of Moisture Content
Nor Syafarah Zakariya and Tajul A. Yang
Corresponding Author: Nor Syafarah Zakariya
Submitted: May 30, 2012
Accepted: July 02, 2012
Published: August 20, 2012 |
This study studies the effect of 4 level of moisture content; 12.2333, 11.7133, 10.8167 and 10.3133% on
physical properties (geometrical, gravimetrical and frictional properties). The results show that width, height and
length were in negative linear relationship with moisture content as shown by the regression equation. Whereas
sphericity, true density and static coefficient for all surfaces investigated exhibited negative quadratic model
relationship, except for sphericity which positively correlate with moisture content. Cubic relationship were
signified by arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, surface area, mass, bulk density, porosity, filling
and emptying angle of repose. Thus, by investigating the effect of moisture content on these physical properties, one
can determine the most suitable condition for processing, transporting and storing of N. lappaceum seed.
Key words: Frictional properties, geometrical, gravimetrical, N. lappaceum, physical, rambutan,
Cite this Reference:
Nor Syafarah Zakariya and Tajul A. Yang, . The Physical Properties of N. lappaceum Seed as a Function of Moisture Content. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, (4): 199-206.
ISSN (Online): 2042-4876
ISSN (Print): 2042-4868 |
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