Article Information:
Response of Dry Matter Production of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] Accessions and Varieties to NaCl Salinity
Kinfemichael Geressu Asfaw and Fisseha Itanna Danno
Corresponding Author: Kinfemichael Geressu Asfaw
Submitted: 2010 December, 06
Accepted: 2010 December, 20
Published: 2011 July, 15 |
This study aimed to screen fifteen low land tef genotypes (10 accessions and 5 varieties) with respect
to dry matter production at 0 dS/m (control), 2, 4, 8 and 16 dS/m salinity levels. Data analysis was carried out
using SAS package (SAS version 8.2, 2001) and SPSS version 12. The two ways ANOVA showed significant
variation with respect to root dry weight per plant (RDW) at p<0.001 and total dry weight per plant (TDW) at
p<0.05 for accessions/varieties. Moreover, it was significant for treatment (p<0.001) with respect to all the
above three parameters. On the other hand, the two ways ANOVA for accession/variety*treatment interaction
was significant for above ground dry weight per plant (AGDW) and total dry weight per plant (TDW) at
p<0.01. This implies that all the accessions and varieties respond to salinity stress differently with respect to
these three dry matter production characters. However, the two ways ANOVA for the
accession/variety*treatment interaction for root dry weight per plant (RDW) was insignificant reflecting that
the entire varieties and accessions react to salinity stress similarly. Accessions 212611, 55017, 231217 and
varieties DZ-Cr-358 and DZ-01-1281 were salt sensitive genotypes whereas accessions 237131, 237186,
212928 and variety DZ-Cr-37 were salt tolerant genotypes of all. Varieties were more salt affected than
accessions with respect to dry matter production.
Key words: Dry matter, Eragrostis tef, root weight, salinity, shoot weight, varieties,
Cite this Reference:
Kinfemichael Geressu Asfaw and Fisseha Itanna Danno, . Response of Dry Matter Production of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] Accessions and Varieties to NaCl Salinity. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (4): 300-307.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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