Article Information:
Minimum Cost Design of Distributed Energy Resources with Studying the Effect of Capital Cost and Replacement Cost
Mohammad Mohammadi
Corresponding Author: Mohammad Mohammadi
Submitted: 2011 August, 01
Accepted: 2011 December, 06
Published: 2012 February, 01 |
This study presents an optimized design of HPS in a distribution system including sources like,
photovoltaic array, Diesel generator and battery bank.In this research, an algorithm has been developed for
evaluation and cost optimization HPS. The costs include capital cost, replacement cost, operation and
maintenance cost, fuel cost and production cost for HPS and DG power during different load profile. Then an
objective function with aim to minimizing of total costs has been considered. A genetic algorithm approach is
employed to obtain the best cost value of HPS construction. This study tested on case study network on
Mardasht city in Iran.
Key words: Distributed generation, economic analysis, hybrid power system, optimization, power market, ,
Cite this Reference:
Mohammad Mohammadi, . Minimum Cost Design of Distributed Energy Resources with Studying the Effect of Capital Cost and Replacement Cost. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (03): 165-171.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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