Article Information:
A Software Tool for Facial Analysis
Oghenemavwe Ese Loveday, Fawehinmi Babatude Hakeem and Daenwin Tonye Lekara
Corresponding Author: Oghenemavwe Ese Loveday
Submitted: 2011 September, 19
Accepted: 2011 November, 23
Published: 2012 March, 15 |
An accurate and thorough facial analysis is needed for the formulation of treatment plan in
rhinoplastic, dental and aesthetic surgical procedures. The analysis process is not difficult but tedious due to
accuracy requirements. Before technological advances, facial analysis was done manually to detect and interpret
facial characteristics. This procedure is often time consuming with greater error due to parallax and
approximation. The object of this study is to introduce a software tool design to simplify the analysis of facial
parameters. 2D photographic images of the face captured under varying condition of illumination where
analyzed with the aid of standard anatomical landmarks. Facial dimensions obtained where less time consuming
and accurate. The software is capable of depicting and quantifying craniofacial dimensions and facial soft tissue
profile at an increased speed and accuracy.
Key words: Angular measurements, anthropometry, facial analysis, linear measurements, software tool, 2D photogrammetry,
Cite this Reference:
Oghenemavwe Ese Loveday, Fawehinmi Babatude Hakeem and Daenwin Tonye Lekara, . A Software Tool for Facial Analysis. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (06): 551-556.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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