Article Information:
Approximate Critical Load of Cambered Double-Layered Grids by Shell Analogies
M.I. Ali, P.N. Khakina and F. Fan
Corresponding Author: M.I. Ali
Submitted: November 12, 2011
Accepted: November 29, 2011
Published: August 01, 2012 |
Studies have shown that design of double-layered grids based on classical theories may lead to
unsafe design. For square-on-diagonal grids, the load carrying capacity is almost the same as the buckling load.
Therefore the buckling load can be used as the critical load in the design. In this study, the non-linear behavior
of the grids is considered using shell analogies to determine the critical load. By applying the theorem of study
and energy to a dimple, an empirical formula to predict the buckling load of thin spherical shells was derived.
Then using finite element modeling, post-buckling load was identified and used to calculate the value of
constant C. It is observed that the buckling load is proportional to t2.5, which gives a critical load close to what
is observed in experiments and a more realistic load as compared to the Classical theory prediction. Loaddeflection
curves drawn for the grids and their equivalent continuum shells correlate closely showing that the
findings are valid.
Key words: Buckling, double-layered grid, equivalent continuum shell, finite element, single-layer grid, thin continuous shell,
Cite this Reference:
M.I. Ali, P.N. Khakina and F. Fan, . Approximate Critical Load of Cambered Double-Layered Grids by Shell Analogies. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (15): 2291-2295.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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