Article Information:
Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of the Thermal Diffusivity of Clay Soil on the Thermal Energy Distribution in Clay Soil of Abakaliki, Nigeria
N.O. Nwadibia, E.I. Ugwu and K.A. Aduloju
Corresponding Author: E.I Ugwu
Submitted: 2009 October, 30
Accepted: 2009 December, 09
Published: 2010 May, 10 |
The influence of the thermal diffusivity of clay soil on thermal energy distribution in clay soil was
studied using one and two dimensioned heat equation, which was solved, by using separation of variables
method. In the analysis, heat was assumed to be propagated along rectangular moldedclaywithlength(L)with
the width being considered negligible in the case of one dimension with different temperature ranging from
350 to 1290ºC within zero to one minute chosen where some parameters such as thermal diffusivity In the
second case, a steady state heat flow was considered in two dimensions w ith the assumption that temperature
distribution is constant. Different temperature ranging from 350 to 1290ºC within zero to one minute were
chosen with some parameters such as thermal diffusivity, specific heat and m ass per unit length of the clay are
specified. The variation of the thermal conductivity and diffusivity with temperature was analyzed while that
of the energy flux, u(x,t) variation with time for different chosen length were plotted Two dimensional thermal
energy distribution viewed at different points was also considered using different values of therm al diffusivity
Key words: Boundary condition, clay soil, partial differential equation, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, temperature, thermal energy distribution, temperature gradient
Cite this Reference:
N.O. Nwadibia, E.I. Ugwu and K.A. Aduloju, . Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of the Thermal Diffusivity of Clay Soil on the Thermal Energy Distribution in Clay Soil of Abakaliki, Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 216-221.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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