Article Information:
Analysis of Some Physio-Chemical Properties of Milk Bush (Thevetia peruviana) Seeds
O.M. Olatunji, A.J. Akor and C.O. Akintayo
Corresponding Author: O.M. Olatunji
Submitted: 2010 November, 13
Accepted: 2010 December, 18
Published: 2011 February, 20 |
The proximate and some technological properties of milk bush (Thevetia peruviana) seeds were
investigated. The results obtained showed the following chemical compositions: Moisture content (2.94%),
protein (7.44%), oil (57.05%), crude fibre (22.37%), ash (2:24) and carbohydrate by difference (7.76%). In the
same vain, mineralogical analysis using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer was
conducted. The results obtained showed that magnesium, potassium and sodium were the predominant elements
in the seeds. The technological properties studied were unit mass, unit volume, geometric mean, diameter,
sphericity, bulk density, true density and porosity with average values of 4.14 g, 4.403.57 mm3, 20.34 mm, 0.67,
657.73 kg/m3, 942.05 kg/m3 and 31%, respectively. Information of these properties could be useful in process
machine design. On the other hand, knowledge of the proximate properties is important for nutritional and
dietary information.
Key words: Chemical properties, elemental composition, milk bush, physical properties, , ,
Cite this Reference:
O.M. Olatunji, A.J. Akor and C.O. Akintayo, . Analysis of Some Physio-Chemical Properties of Milk Bush (Thevetia peruviana) Seeds. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (02): 84-87.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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