Article Information:
Preliminary Studies on Geological Fault Location Using Solid State Nuclear Track Detection
A.B. Asumadu-Sakyi, J.J. Fletcher, O.C. Oppon, F.K. Quashie, D.A. Wordson, C.A. Adjei, E.O. Amartey, E.O. Darko and Paulina Amponsah
Corresponding Author: Akwasi Bonsu Asumadu-Sakyi
Submitted: 2010 September, 01
Accepted: 2010 October, 06
Published: 2011 January, 05 |
In this study, alpha track detectors have been used to develop a methodology to locate fault lines in
Accra, Ghana. Alpha track (LR-115 type II) detectors were used for the soil radon gas measurement in forty
two (42) sample pits on 70 m × 100 m of land behind National Radioactive Waste Management Centre
(NRWMC), Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) and fifteen (15) sample pits on about 300 m × 200
m of land at Dunkonah. Comparison method for the determination of uranium content of the soil with track-etch
detectors was used in both studied areas. At Dunkonah, the average soil radon gas concentrations calculated
ranged from 10.2±0.5 to 23.0±0.7 kBq/m3 with seven (7) sample pits having very high concentration levels. The
average soil radon gas concentrations obtained at NRWMC, GAEC ranged from 6.4±0.4 to 27.5±0.8 kBq/m3
with 20 sample pits having very high concentration levels. The area of high soil radon gas concentration at
NRWMC coincided with the fault lines discovered by G.S.D.
Key words: Alpha track (LR-115 type II) detector, fault lines, Ghana, radon, radium, soil, uranium
Cite this Reference:
A.B. Asumadu-Sakyi, J.J. Fletcher, O.C. Oppon, F.K. Quashie, D.A. Wordson, C.A. Adjei, E.O. Amartey, E.O. Darko and Paulina Amponsah, . Preliminary Studies on Geological Fault Location Using Solid State Nuclear Track Detection. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, (1): 24-31.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0492
ISSN (Print): 2041-0484 |
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