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     Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

2011(Vol.3, Issue:4)
Article Information:

Mathematical Modelling on the CDTI Prospects for Elimination of Onchocerciasis: A Deterministic Model Approach

L. Jibril and M.O. Ibrahim
Corresponding Author:  Jibril Lawal 
Submitted: 2011 October, 02
Accepted: 2011 November, 04
Published: 2011 December, 15
The study incorporated host heterogeneous exposure to Onchocerciasis into four simple compartmental of both human and vector host regulatory processes, which is of initial value problems of a systems of ordinary differential equations, with newborns being susceptible, in which both births and deaths occurs at equal rate. The control of Onchocerciasis currently focuses on Community Directed Treatment with Ivermectin, CDTI, which effectively kills the Onchocerca volvulus microfilarae in the human hosts. In this study, the asymptotically stability analysis is determined for the disease free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium states. Furthermore, on using principles of linearised stability, the study established that the state of total eradication of Onchocerciasis would be stable and becomes reality if the CDTI control strategies are maintained throughout the targeted period, hence the population is sustainable.

Key words:  Heterogeneous, ivermectin, linearised, Microfilaria, Oncocerca-volvulus, prospects,
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L. Jibril and M.O. Ibrahim, . Mathematical Modelling on the CDTI Prospects for Elimination of Onchocerciasis: A Deterministic Model Approach. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (4): 141-150.
Article Information:

Steady MHD Free Convection Flow with Thermal Radiation Past a Vertical Porous Plate Immersed in a Porous Medium

M. Enamul Karim, M.A. Samad and M.D. Abdus Sattar
Corresponding Author:  M. Enamul Karim 
Accepted: 2011 November, 10
Published: 2011 December, 15
The present study is concerned with thermal radiation in a steady two-dimensional MHD free convection flow through a porous vertical flat plate immersed in a porous medium. In the analysis a Darcy- Forchhemier model is considered while the fluid is taken to be gray, absorbing-emitting radiation. The nonlinear governing equations have been transformed by the usual similarity transformation to a system of ordinary differential equations. These dimensionless similar equations are then solved numerically employing the Nachtsheim-Swigert shooting iteration technique along with sixth order Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Finally the effects of the pertinent parameters are examined.

Key words:  Boundary layer, darcy number, free convection, magnetic induction, MHD flow, radiation and suction,
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M. Enamul Karim, M.A. Samad and M.D. Abdus Sattar, . Steady MHD Free Convection Flow with Thermal Radiation Past a Vertical Porous Plate Immersed in a Porous Medium. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (4): 141-147.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7505
ISSN (Print):   2042-2024
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