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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2011(Vol.2, Issue:2)
Article Information:

In vivo Antimicrobial Activity of 1(4-(4-chlorobenzyloxy)phenyl)-3-(4-methyl Phenyl)-2-propen-1-ones (Chalcone 2) Against Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Pneumonia Patients

Adel Kamal Khider
Corresponding Author:  Adel Kamal Khider 
Submitted: 2011 March, 16
Accepted: 2011 April, 20
Published: 2011 April, 30
We investigated the effects of 1(4-(4-chlorobenzyloxy)phenyl)-3-(4-methyl phenyl)-2-propen-1-ones (chalcon) 2 in the treatment of experimental Klebsilla pneumoniae in mice. Mice were infected with 5x106 CFU/mL of K. pneumoniae nosely by bacterial suspension. After 5 days after infection the total WBC count raised from 4.5×103 to 11.3x103 cell/μL, when treated with chalcon 2 at MIC concentration 600 μL/mL, the WBC count reduced to 10.5 cell/μL during 12 days from infection, while for untreated mice the total WBC raised from 4.5 to 9.7 cell/μL then 14.4 and 16.3 cell/μL during 12 days from infection. The type of Nutrophil elevated from 3.05×103 to10.01×103 cell/μL then reduced to 9.30 after 8 or 12 days from infection, however for untreated mice the Nutrophil raised from 2.80 to 8.00 to 11.1 then 13.84 for day 0, 5, 8 and 12 from infection. The number of viable bacteria in infected mice only raised from 166 to 500 cell/mL then to 1000 cell/mL, while, when one or two doses of chalcon 2 at a dose 600 μg/mL at day 8 were treated to infected mice, the number of viable bacteria in the blood reduced from 333 to 166 cell/mL. After 15 days from infection the remaining mice for either untreated or treated mice with MIC of chalcon2 were died due to severe infection.

Key words:  Antimicrobial agents, chalcone 2, in vivo and pathogenic bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae, pneomonia, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Adel Kamal Khider, . In vivo Antimicrobial Activity of 1(4-(4-chlorobenzyloxy)phenyl)-3-(4-methyl Phenyl)-2-propen-1-ones (Chalcone 2) Against Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Pneumonia Patients. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (2): 92-96.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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