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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2010(Vol.1, Issue:1)
Article Information:

Biosurfactant and Heavy Metal Resistance Activity of Streptomyces spp. Isolated from Saltpan Soil

Lakshmipathy Deepika and Krishnan Kannabiran
Corresponding Author:  Kumar Saurav 
Submitted: 2010 May, 06
Accepted: 2010 May, 21
Published: 2010 June, 20
Actinomycetes were isolated from the marine soil samples collected at the Ennore saltpan and were screened for biosurfactant and heavy metal resistance activity. Biosurfactant activity was evaluated by haemolysis, drop collapsing test and lipase production. Similarly heavy metal resistance was determined by tube method and agar diffusion method. Among them, two actinomycetes isolates VITDDK1 and VITDDK2 exhibited significant biosurfactant and heavy metal resistance activity. Based on the Hideo Nonomura’s key for classification of actinomycetes, the isolate VITDDK1 was similar to Streptomyces orientalis and VITDDK2 to Streptomyces aureomonopodiales. However molecular phylogeny based on neighbour-joining method showed 99% similarity of VITDDK1 with Streptomyces sp. A403Ydz-QZ and 93% similarity of VITDDK2 with Streptomyces sp. strain 346.

Key words:  Bioremediation, biosurfactant, Hideo Nonomura’s classification, Streptomyces spp. VITDDK1, Streptomyces spp. VITDDK2, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Lakshmipathy Deepika and Krishnan Kannabiran, . Biosurfactant and Heavy Metal Resistance Activity of Streptomyces spp. Isolated from Saltpan Soil. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (1): Page No: 33-39.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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