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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2010(Vol.1, Issue:2)
Article Information:

Drug Dosing in Adult and Paediatric Population in Developing Countries: Possible Pharmaceutical Misadventure (A Review)

I.C. Maduka, E.E. Neboh, E.N. Shu and E.J. Ikekpeazu
Corresponding Author:  Ignatius Chukwudi Maduka 
Submitted: 2010 July, 15
Accepted: 2010 August, 10
Published: 2010 November, 15
Drug dosage should be based on weight rather than age and this study aims at highlighting the problems of possible over-dosage or under-dosage where the weight of the patient is not considered before prescription is given, as is being practice by clinicians in most developed and developing countries. Drug dosing has always been a vital issue in drug administration over time. For instance, the paediatric clinician encounters several limitations of information in paediatric pharmacotherapy which includes small numbers on patients with rare disease, small size studies and huge inter-patient variability among this population. The physiology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications are highly variable and there is need to simplify this variation as much as possible. Tailoring the therapy for children according to their developmental stage as well as chronological age, w hich include selecting the appropriate dosage regimen and age-specific ways to prevent medication errors and enhanced compliance of paediatric patients are both significant problems to be further addressed in paediatric therapy. The basic principles of management of severe falciparum malaria include, initiating treatment immediately; checking of the weight and blood sugar level of patient; choosing drug regimen and calculation of the drug dosage according to patient’s body weight. Unfortunately, this is usually not done in most developing/ developed countries, during adult administration of artemisinin derivatives (orally), which might most likely lead to under dosage of most adult patients predisposing them to possible drug resistance development.

Key words:  Antimalarial, administration, age-to-weight, body mass index, drug dosing, paediatric,
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Cite this Reference:
I.C. Maduka, E.E. Neboh, E.N. Shu and E.J. Ikekpeazu, . Drug Dosing in Adult and Paediatric Population in Developing Countries: Possible Pharmaceutical Misadventure (A Review). British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (2): 77-80.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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