Article Information:
Effect of Moringa oleifera-alum Ratios on Surface Water Treatment in North East Nigeria
N.E. Nwaiwu and A.A. Bello
Corresponding Author: Nkeiruka Nwaiwu
Submitted: 2011 March, 03
Accepted: 2011 April, 30
Published: 2011 June, 25 |
The aim of this study is to find out the optimum combination for MO and alum using alum as a
coagulant aid in household treatment of natural pond surface water for domestic use. The physico-chemical
properties investigated for in the raw, settled and filtered water were Ph, Total Dissolved Solids (tds), turbidity,
colour and total suspended solids (tss). The various coagulant combinations with which the raw water from
the pond was treated include Moringa oleifera (MO) seed powder only (i.e., 100% MO), aluminium sulphate
(alum) only (i.e., 100% alum), 20% alum and 80% Moringa oleifera seed powder, 40% alum and 60% Moringa
oleifera seed powder, 50% alum and 50% Moringa oleifera seed powder; 60% alum and 40% Moringa oleifera
seed powder; and 80% alum and 20% Moringa oleifera seed powder. Five of the seven used coagulant
combinations gave acceptable turbidity reduction i.e., below 10 NTU. When Moringa oleifera seed powder was
used as the sole coagulant, a filter was needed to obtain an acceptable turbidity value of 7.8 NTU but there was
no need for pH adjustment or correction. Moringa oleifera seed powder can be used in treating household
drinking water either as a sole coagulant or in combination with alum (using the alum) as a coagulant aid. The
settling time for the MO seed powder is longer than that of the combined coagulants if the same results are to
be obtained. The recommended ratio for the combined coagulant dose is 60% MO seed powder and 40% alum.
Key words: Alum, coagulation, household filter, Moringa oleifera seed powder, turbidity, ,
Cite this Reference:
N.E. Nwaiwu and A.A. Bello, . Effect of Moringa oleifera-alum Ratios on Surface Water Treatment in North East Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (06): 505-512.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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