Article Information:
Development and Calibration of a Digital Recording System for Automation of Runoff Measurement
J.T. Fasinmirin
Corresponding Author: Fasinmirin Johnson
Submitted: 2009 August, 13
Accepted: 2009 October, 16
Published: 2010 January, 05 |
Field runoff estimation by the use of integrated circuit (ICL7106) digital converter is a new concept
of surface water flow measurement in the sub-Saharan Africa. It is a very efficient, low power analog to digital
(A/D) converter. A runoff collector of area 1m2 and depth 30 cm was constructed, and a discharge pipe of 2.5
cm diameter and length 60 cm connects the runoff collector to the runoff storage tank, 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm
in dimension. Both the runoff collector and the storage tank were made of metal sheet (18 gauge). The active
devices used for the construction of the digital sensing device include decoders, display driver, reference
resistor, a clock, sensor, liquid crystal display (LCD) and lCL7106. The lCL7106 was designed to interface with
a liquid crystal display (LCD), which includes a back-plane drive. This digital recording system was designed
to measure the amount of runoff that flow into the runoff storage tank through the discharge pipe, such that the
resistor sensed runoff according to the level of water in the tank. The sensor divides the reference voltage Vr
in ratio to the value of resistance (R1). This varying voltage is now converted to digital readout by A/D
converter with respect to liquid crystal display (LCD). The equipment was calibrated with the aid of standard
measuring cylinder (1000 ml). It was observed that runoff within the range 7500 ml to 42000 ml could be
adequately measured using the digital device. This research development is useful in weather forecasting, flood
studies and hydrological analysis in natural science studies.
Key words: Analog, catchmant, digital, electronic sensor, runoff, storage tank,
Cite this Reference:
J.T. Fasinmirin, . Development and Calibration of a Digital Recording System for Automation of Runoff Measurement. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (1): Page No: 23-27.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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