Article Information:
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Hay Bale Trailer
Ebrahim Ebrahimi, Alimohamad Borghei, Morteza Almasi and Hekmat Rabani
Corresponding Author: Ebrahim Ebrahimi
Submitted: 2010 January, 15
Accepted: 2010 January, 30
Published: 2010 May, 10 |
The purpose of this study was to design and construct a specific pilot trailer to be attached to a baler
so that the packs in the packing process can be thrown on the trailer instead of ground. It will be resulted to
saving time and cost. To design the device, using some engineering modeling softwares, the model of the
intended trailer was designed and then with aid of some analysis softwares, the loads and boundary conditions
on the model were inserted. Frame as the most important and sensitive part of trailer was analyzed in the
ANSYS software and the maximum value of tensions were obtained to be about 110 MPa. Regarding the
obtained results, the safety factor was between 2 to 4 in the sensitive parts and the trailing force of the trailer
at the critical condition of load and ground was also obtained to be 4000N . In the intended model, the highest
tensions were in the places where the frame trailer is connected to the body and in bent parts of the frame and
carrier of the wheels as well. The reinforcement of these sections at the time of manufacturing will result in the
required safety. Following the phase of model analysis of the trailer and being assured of safety, the device was
fabricated in compliance with the dimensions proportional to those of the model analysis phase.
Key words: Agricultural machinery, draft force, mechanical analysis, transportation, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Ebrahim Ebrahimi, Alimohamad Borghei, Morteza Almasi and Hekmat Rabani, . Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Hay Bale Trailer. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 222-226.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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