Article Information:
Subsoil Temperature and Underground Cable Distribution in Port Harcourt City
J.T. Afa
Corresponding Author: John Tarilanyo Afa
Submitted: 2010 May, 24
Accepted: 2010 July, 03
Published: 2010 September, 10 |
The present overhead network for Port-Harcourt city does no only present a shabby appearance and
unreliable distribution system but unfit for the present demand in terms of bulk power transfer and
telecommunication interference. Underground distribution network is primarily a matter of heat transfer from
cable core where the heat is generated, through the cable insulation to the surrounding medium and finally is
discharged from the surrounding medium. This study therefore presents the subsoil temperature at various
periods of the year and at depth of 20, 50, 80 and 100cm. Ten locations were chosen in Port Harcourt City, and
in each location the soil temperature was taken at the given depths within the months of March, September and
November. These months represent different seasons of the year. The effective discharge of heat to the
surrounding environment is due to the condition of the soil (moisture content, grain size etc.,). Therefore, soil
resistivity test was also conducted. These results were analysed and the variation of temperature within the year
at various depths were known. This will enable designers to calculate proper rating of underground cable laid
at different depths.
Key words: Dielectric losses, effective resistance, heat flow, isothermal lines, soil temperature, thermal resistance,
Cite this Reference:
J.T. Afa, . Subsoil Temperature and Underground Cable Distribution in Port Harcourt City. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (6): Page No: 527-531.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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