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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2011(Vol.3, Issue:5)
Article Information:

Gonadal and Extragonadal Spermiogram of Sahel Buck in the Humid Zone of Nigeria

Oyeyemi, M.O., A.P. Fayomi, D.A. Adeniji and O.M. Ojo
Corresponding Author:  A.P. Fayomi 
Submitted: 2011 June, 02
Accepted: 2011 August, 05
Published: 2011 September, 10
The gonadal and extragonadal spermiogram of sahel bucks in the humid zone of Nigeria was investigated. Twenty goats (30-54 months) weighing 23.48-32.03 kg were used for the experiment. Each of the bucks was slaughtered and the testicles as well as the epididymides were examined for percentage motility, percentage livability and percentage of abnormal spermatozoa. These parameters were correlated with the age, body weight and with one another. The percentage of abnormal cells in the testes was compared with those in the epididymides. The age of the buck was positively correlated with the percentage gonadal livability (r = 0.668, p<0.05) and the extragonadal motility (r = 0.782 and r = 0.698, p<0.01). Positive relationships (p<0.05 and p<0.01) were also observed between the extragonadal and the gonadal parameters. Higher percentage of abnormal cells was observed in the epididymides (p<0.05) when compared with the testes’. It was concluded that the age of the sahel buck is a major determinant of the semen quality in the humid zone.

Key words:  Extragonadal, gonadal, humid zone, sahel buck, spermiogram, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Oyeyemi, M.O., A.P. Fayomi, D.A. Adeniji and O.M. Ojo, . Gonadal and Extragonadal Spermiogram of Sahel Buck in the Humid Zone of Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (5): 468-471.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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