Article Information:
The African Origin of mtDNA Haplogroup M1
Clyde Winters
Corresponding Author: Clyde Winters
Submitted: 2010 August, 25
Accepted: 2010 September, 24
Published: 2010 November, 25 |
The aim of this study is to determine the geographical origin of haplogroup M1. Controversy
surrounds the origin and expansion of the M1 haplogroup (hg). Some researchers believe that the M1
macrohaplogroup originated in Asia and represents a backflow to Africa, while other researchers believe hg
M1 is of African origin. The analysis of M1 clades in Africa and Eurasia illustrate a high frequency for hg M1
in Sub Saharan A frica instead of A sia and the Near East; and the distribution of haplogroups L3(M) and LOd
across Sub Saharan Africa dating back to the Sangoan period make a 'back migration' of M1 to Africa highly
Key words: Haplogroup, Sangoan, clade, haplotype, mtDNA, subhaplogroup,
Cite this Reference:
Clyde Winters, . The African Origin of mtDNA Haplogroup M1. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (6): 380-389.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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