Article Information:
Inheritance of Important Economic Traits in Chickens under Short Term Selection
Ardeshir Bahmanimehr
Corresponding Author: Ardeshir Bahmanimehr
Submitted: January 10, 2012
Accepted: February 06, 2012
Published: April 20, 2012 |
The aim of this study is study the inheritance of economic traits in an Iranian Native chickens
population by estimating genetic parameters (heritability, genetic, phenotypic and environment correlations)
under short-term selection in breeding programs. Identification of genes determining the expression of
economically important traits of plants and animals is a main research focus in agricultural genomics. Most of
these traits are characterized by a wide variability of the expression of genes at certain loci called Quantitative
Trait Loci (QTL). Characterization of the chromosomal regions carrying QTL can be applied in marker-assisted
Selection (MAS) to improve breeding efficiency. Molecular linkage maps in combination with Powerful
statistical methods facilitate the genetic dissection of complex traits, and the chicken is ideally suited for this
task due to a relatively short life cycle and large number of progeny. Native chickens are important in some
rural areas. They usually produce meat and eggs without extra feed, only picking food. Improving their
economical traits, such production efficiency would save these genetic resources. The genetic parameters for
various traits of economic importance were studied in an Iranian Native chickens population under short term
selection for egg production and body weight for over 2 years. The parameters studied were body weight at day
old (BW1) , 8 weeks (BW8) and body weight at 12 weeks (BW12), the weight of first egg (EGGW1) and egg
weight at 30 weeks of age (EGGW30) also the average number of stock eggs per day (EGG/DAY). They
showed mostly moderate to high heritability estimates. All these values were 0.56 to 0.44, 0.51 0.2, 0.56 and
0.15, respectively. Higher heritability estimate were obtained for body weight traits. There were positive genetic
correlation between weight traits and egg weight traits. Higher estimate was obtained for BW1 and EGGW30
(0.64). However, negative genetic correlation between body weight traits and number of eggs are estimated.
In the result, selection for body weight traits before mature ages will cause gain in egg weight traits and it will
be useful in breeding plans.
Key words: Closed flock, genetic parameters, native chicken, selection, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Ardeshir Bahmanimehr, . Inheritance of Important Economic Traits in Chickens under Short Term Selection. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, (2): 109-112.
ISSN (Online): 2041-2908
ISSN (Print): 2041-2894 |
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